Hank Boyd is Dead


NameHank Boyd is Dead

Directed By: Sean Melia

Subgenre: Thriller

SeriesSpooktober 2019 entry #5; Trash Panda Files #2; review #36

Review: The film follows Sarah, a caterer, as she works the worst gig of her life: the wake of accused serial killer Hank Boyd. The film bills itself as a black comedy, a "comedy of terrors." With that, you'd assume that it would have at least one of those things, but you would be mistaken. It tries to build up the drama and mystery of the Boyd family as they meet to "mourn" Hank, but the film spills the mystery's proverbial beans early on, and so subsequent revelations feel forced and unnecessary. There's no greater mystery, and the few "twists" are so formulaic that they become groan-inducing when they're finally shown. The characters are either almost entirely caricatures, yet the acting is still somehow worse than the writing. And, for some reason, there are a few mockumentary style scenes in the mix that add literally nothing of value. All of the elements of the film are terrible, yet Hank Body is Dead is somehow worse than the sum of its parts. Chances are, you're not going to watch this. In fact, you shouldn't.

"But, Chad! You're being really meaner-wiener right now. It can't be THAT bad!" You're right. Troma has put out significantly worse schlock, but they own their niche. This film has a deceptively high rating on IMDB and Amazon Prime. It's pretty clearly been flooded by fake reviews fawning over how great of a "black comedy" or "thriller," but it's neither comedic nor thrilling, though the former is so baffling absent that I'm legitimately concerned about being gas-lit by other, supposedly independent horror reviewers. You can buy fake reviews on those sites, but I'm not going to bullshit. Hank Boyd is Dead is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad movie and you shouldn't watch it. I can see and appreciate the efforts that were made, but between the execution utterly fails at delivering and, combined with the (intentionally) inflated reviews littering the internet, I feel compelled to say it for a third time: do not watch this movie. I gave it a pity half-a-point because the lead actress is actually fairly believable, but her talent is utterly wasted on this hot garbage.

Overall Score: 1 out of 5 Chads buried by inflated reviews. Did Hank Boyd is Dead scare you? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

IMDB: Here

How to Watch: Hank Boyd is Dead is available on these platforms.

Official Trailer


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