

Name: Headgame

Directed BySteven Judd

Subgenre: Thriller

SeriesSpooktober 2018 entry #12

Review: Headgame is one of those movies where "group of random strangers are kidnapped and stuck in [PLACE] and have to do [THING] or they will die" popularized by the (spoilers) significantly more entertaining Cube and Saw franchises. There are some decent variations of the basic template out there, but Headgame is not one of them. The film does bring an interesting premise to the game--the "contestants" have a camera lens implanted into their foreheads so their "benefactors" can watch their every move as they descend further and further into chaos--but it breaks the cardinal rule of that particular style of film: don't reveal WHY they're being punished/trapped/what-have-you until the end, if at all; Headgame reveals the benefactors in the first few scenes, but the film still somehow manages to make them...boring. That, and the movie feels like it should end about 3 or 4 times before the credits start rolling--by the last time, I literally said "you've gotta be kidding me?!" That usually doesn't bode well for a movie. It does manages to have a few interesting ideas in the particular niche, but they're pretty quickly abandoned or move on to some other uninteresting plot point. Go ahead and skip this one.

Overall Score: 1.5 out of 5 Chads mourning wasted potential. Did Headgame scare you? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

IMDB: Here

How to Watch: Headgame is available on these platforms.

Official Trailer


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